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The Cloud Topoanalysis Montage Project

The Cloud Topoanalysis Montage project illustrates the impact of space and place in cloud computing architectures and services. My theme for this project is education. Within a montage that has five categories, I will illustrate the significance of cloud architecture to education. To be more specific, I will pretend that the montage is in the view point of a female high school student of the near future. The montage will illustrate all of the cloud services she would use in a typical school setting. The five categories are – friendship space, daydreaming space, private space, actuality of being space and the discovery space. The objective is to research the different educational technology available today and to incorporate some possible technology emerging in the future. The montage will incorporate research on today’s educational technology with a little bit of futuring as well.

As indicated in this YouTube video: The future of education is the e-classroom. Students of the future will be able to come to class for their lecture but also have a recorded lecture to view as well. Students can have access to their course materials via their mobile devices as well as their laptops. As long as they have internet connection – the student of the future (and now) can easily connect with their friends from class and connect with lecture materials and course work. With cloud computing, students will not need a physical device to store their course materials, course work and discussions.

By simply accessing the cloud – they can easily work on their homework assignments/quizzes/projects anywhere they are – in addition to collaborating with their classmates within a group setting.

According to Stephen Noonoo (2015) these are the five edTech predictions for 2015. The first prediction is the increased capacity for digital learning, the availability of Wi-Fi for every classroom and learners being connected using multiple devices (Noonoo, 2015). The second prediction is digital learning personalization – the technology will be easy to personalize for the teacher who can then adjust and use it accordingly in the classroom (Noonoo, 2015). The third prediction is more technology tools and free content being available to support student achievement in the classroom, the fourth prediction is the availability of more funding to help bring faster internet to classrooms and finally the fifth prediction includes renewed ways to explore how to support teachers and improve student learning using today’s technology and opportunities (Noonoo, 2015). Based on these predictions, it is pretty clear that the future in education is in using educational technology tools and incorporating digital devices in the classroom.


Noonoo, S. (2015). 5 ed tech predictions for 2015[Blog Post]. Retrieved from

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