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The Friendship Space

Due to my theme of “a day in the life of a teenage girl at school” - educational technology edition, the friendship space for this teenage girl will incorporate many things. In my opinion, a teenage girls’ friendship space within a school setting will include all of her social media – this includes Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Vine, etc.

In her friendship space, this girl will definitely have all of these accounts. However within a school setting, I believe this girl will also have direct connectivity to her classmates, her teacher and her courses. I imagine a Facebook like setting where the student can easily instant message, send face time chat, call or text message a classmate to quickly ask them what the homework for tonight was or whether there will be a pop quiz tomorrow.

I imagine a space where she can easily set up a chat room (similar to Google Hangout) with her classmates to connect with them either with her laptop or her mobile device and have a team meeting to work on a group project. She will use services connecting her to software on the cloud where she can make edits to a school project PowerPoint presentation or paper while others in her group can view it in real time and give feedback and suggestions. I see an easy to use repository where group members can save their work and easily access each other’s submissions and give real time feedback. I see a presentation setting where she can easily share her computer screen to her friends and show them what she is working on or to give a quick tutorial to a friend having a hard time understanding a particular tool. I see her being able to organize her connections in categories of friends, acquaintances, project group members, club members, sports team members, etc.

After working on her assignment and group project, she can easily connect with her clubs via her mobile or laptop. She can ask them when their next yearbook or drama club meeting will be and where. She can easily post her ideas for the next yearbook project or drama club project and share it with her club members – or suggest a location where they can meet up that evening and have everyone RSVP. She can then easily make reservations or send out directions to their meeting spot and view via location find if the club members have arrived at that location yet. She can do the same with her sports team as well.

I see her being able to take pictures during these meet ups and sharing these pictures as either public or members of the club only – where viewers can ‘like’ or ‘share’ the pictures based on the security settings. I imagine the friends being able to post their comments under the picture. I imagine her video recording their presentation practice for their group project and posting the video to her group members only and have everyone post what improvements they need to make prior to the actual presentation day.

Overall, I see a very comprehensive space that is school based where this girl can easily work on her school work, keep connected to her classmates, access software, get peer feedback, share images/videos, plan activities with her friends/classmates/club members, and save all her school work.

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